What is most popular on Indra's?
these are the most visited areas today.

CD's On Sale

Thousands of titles on sale every day. We've sold over $45,000 worldwide.

Bardo Days

Here you'll find images, books, games, movies and general fun about Death!


One of the best sci-fi movies of all time
plus a tribute to PK Dick

Currency Converter

Get todays exchange rate for most international currencies.

Ecstatic Poetry

Translations of the famous poets, Rumi and Kabir..

Martial Arts

Here you will find martial arts schools in your area.


New Age, Spiritual, Women's, Psychology, Philosophy


Traveling and need a connection?

Writers Resources

News, dictionaries & reference, online publications, writing styles & guides, research.

Le Centre Du Silence

Visit Mime and Kabbalah Master Samuel Avital.

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TechDictionary- emoticons, chat terms, etc